Tuesday, April 1, 2008

"Please take this message to mother from me..."

So, I have decided I am going to title my posts with lyrics...at least I am going to TRY :)

I never posted my results from my ultrasound yesterday. I had 7 follicles on the left (one that is bigger than 10mm) and 10 on the right (2-3 bigger than 10mm). My layer was 6.3 and my estradial was 153 (sorry Jen...I had the wrong number when I called you). I have to continue the injections until Thursday morning when I go back for another ultrasound. We shall see! Things seem to be progressing, so we shall see. I have another appt with the acupuncturist this afternoon to help relax me a bit -last time I fell asleep :) I love it!!!

Oh...and it's Tuesday, so it's 1/2 price sushi night...awww yeah!!! Not that I eat any raw stuff, but sushi makes me so happy...it's really kind of pathetic, actually.

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